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learn how to do psychic readings and healings.

Inspired Light has simplified the process of helping you connect to your own intuition. In this course you will be guided through simple steps to easily connect with your highest self and develop your psychic abilities. You will learn how heal, clear and align energy, to help yourself and others heal.

Whether you know you are intuitive and want to deepen your understanding of self and the skills you have or you are just becoming interested in developing your psychic abilities, this is the course for you. 


Are you ready to deepen your inner connection and psychic abilities?


Inspired Intuition is an online intuitive and psychic development course where you will learn how to receive accurate and insightful information by tapping into your higher knowingness and psychic abilities. 

Inspired Intuition


Learn how to set up and run energy through your space and how you can amplify or de-energized information and energy. These techniques promote physical, mental and spiritual well-being

Getting into the zone 

Module 3

Our timeless tools help you set up your space, create boundaries, separate and clear energy. Learn how to become a clear channel to receive your intuitive information.

Timeless Tools

Module 2

Learn about intuition, the make-up of your physical and energetic anatomy and how energy runs through the body and being. You will also learn about guides, types of psychics and clair-abilities.

Energy & Intuition

Module 1

 Review the ethics of reading energy. Receive a full reading framework and practice the techniques you have learned. Explore the psychic stigma. 

Reading others 

Module 6

Receive reading tips and more reading techniques, including sample readings. Learn how to differentiate between thoughts, emotions and intuition.

Reading Energy 2

Module 5

Explore reading techniques. Learn how to set intentions and how to formulate the best questions along with universal question prompts.   

Reading Energy 1

Module 4

Review and practice incorporating your new intuitive tools and techniques in your everyday life.


Learn nine additional meditation and healing techniques that will deepen your connection with your highest self and your ability to heal yourself and others.

Healing Techniques

Module 8

Learn about healing and how to shift, clear, replace and align energy through remote and hands on healing.  Receive practical techniques for reprogramming the subconscious.

Heal & Reprogram

Module 7

When you are in alignment with and trust your highest self, you will be guided through life with ease and confidence. This will bring you more joy into your daily life.

Learn how to strengthen your intuition and unlock your potential.


When you embody your true self

Have more clarity around experiences and relationships

Make more informed decisions with greater confidence

 Communicate clearly with your highest self and others

Move past fear and resistance into ease and freedom

Feel guided and supported in your daily life 

You can go at your own pace and will have fun practicing as you master these skills.

You will learn several powerful healing techniques.

Yes! You will be able to do intuitive readings when you finish this course.

We are available via email and offer group coaching to connect and answer questions.


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Inspired Intuition Course 
Investment $800


This powerful course will expand your self trust and your inner knowingness and boost your confidence, connection to spirit and help you feel more aligned and empowered.

Once you register, you'll get access to the full course membership. You will have lifetime access to all of the video and audio content, practice exercises, meditations and homework so you can go at your own pace. You'll also be part of the Inspire Light community to guide your journey long after you finish the course. Plus, we are here to support and guide you through the process.

course Investment

Inspired Intuition 

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Do you want to Receive Module 1 for free ?

I want you to be really excited to take this course and for you to know that it is a good fit. I want to give you Module 1 for free so you can get a feel for this course, my teaching style and how the course is set up, to see if it feels in alignment with you.  To get access to Module 1 sign up below.

but don't just take our word for it!

— Renee, MA

"Brett has insight and wisdom that is otherwordly." 

— Anna

"Brett is an incredibly gifted woman who strikes the perfect balance between spiritual guru and the (psychic) girl next door." 

— Katrina

"It felt like MY MIND, MY BODY, and MY SPIRIT had been set free." 

— Brooke

"Brett's work is priceless! She is sincere, compassionate, professional and non-judgmental"

You could be a clear channel for your highest information.

You could attract the best people and experience into your life.

You could feel confident in your decisions and know you are on the right path.

You could see everything from a higher perspective.

to your Intuition

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